Root Remedies and Tending
Root Remedies and Tending
Fall Medicine is Root Medicine.
If you have never dug roots for medicine or food, we are delighted to bring you into the deeper end of the pool for medicine making that is delicious, potent, and heart-filled. In this hands-on class we'll cover how we start our harvest with intention and devotion, how to dig and propagate plants, cleaning and storage, preparations, and a few of the things that we like to do with our medicinal roots.
Come prepared to get dirty and bring a horihori or small shovel if you have one. As always there will be wild snacks; feel free to bring something to share if you desire!
There will almost certainly be chunks of root for you to take home and start in your own gardens!
Friday September 27th, 5-7pm @ 1360 Sunflower Drive